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  • Writer's pictureRenata Bernarde

I Interviewed ChatGPT. Again!

Episode 237 - An Interview with ChatGPT: How to Optimize Your Job Search Using AI

Using ChatGPT for job search can be incredibly powerful for professionals who want to maintain a competitive edge. For that reason, I have interviewed ChatGPT for a second time on The Job Hunting Podcast.

In our last conversation a year ago, we explored the basics of how AI can aid in job searching and career planning. Since then, the landscape has evolved significantly, and today, AI tools like ChatGPT are becoming integral to professional development and job hunting strategies.

In this episode, my questions and ChatGPT answers are more detailed. We discuss how professionals can leverage AI to optimize their job applications, tailor their resumes, and stay updated with industry trends. ChatGPT shares insights on how it can assist in drafting compelling cover letters, preparing for interviews, and even planning career paths. We also tackle the big question—will AI replace career coaches, or does it simply augment our roles and allow us to focus on what we love most about our jobs?


The danger of using ChatGPT for resume writing

If you are already using ChatGPT for writing documents, resumes and cover letters, a word of warning: When many people use the same tool, like ChatGPT, there's a risk that everything starts to sound a bit uniform. To help professionals make their applications and writings stand out, even when using AI tools, there are several strategies they can employ: 

  • Customization: After generating text with ChatGPT, it's essential to go through it and inject personal flair. This could mean rephrasing sentences to match one’s unique speaking or writing style or incorporating anecdotes or examples that reflect personal experiences or achievements. 

  • Use as a Drafting Tool: Think of ChatGPT as a collaborator in the drafting process rather than a final copywriter. Use it to get a solid base or to help overcome writer's block, but then add a personal touch and refine the output manually. 

  • Blend Multiple Outputs: Another strategy is to generate multiple versions of content (like a cover letter), then mix and match elements from each to create a more unique and personalized final version. This can help mitigate the "cookie-cutter" feel. 

  • Update and Adapt Content: Regularly updating and adapting content based on current trends and personal growth can also help keep communications fresh. For example, as professionals acquire new skills or complete new projects, they should update their LinkedIn profiles or resumes accordingly. 

  • Advanced Customization with Prompts: On the OpenAI platform, users can craft more specific prompts to guide ChatGPT’s output more precisely. By providing detailed, unique contexts or asking for a particular tone or style, users can receive more tailored content that might require less editing. 

  • Leverage Different Tools: Consider using different AI writing assistants for various tasks or mix AI-generated content with insights from other tools or resources to diversify the style and content. 


By employing these strategies, professionals can effectively use AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance their job applications and other corporate writings without losing their personal touch and uniqueness.

Using ChatGPT to gain a real competitive advantage in your job search

ChatGPT is a fantastic resource not just for writing job applications but also for staying informed and conducting research. Let's explore how professionals can use it to keep up with industry trends and stay competitive.  Here’s how listeners can effectively use ChatGPT to stay informed:

  • Continuous Learning and Research: Professionals can use ChatGPT to quickly gather information on the latest developments in their field. For instance, they can ask questions about recent advancements, emerging technologies, or key figures in their industry. ChatGPT can provide summaries of complex topics, explain new concepts, or offer a breakdown of recent research findings.

  • Following Industry News: ChatGPT can help professionals keep up with daily industry news. They can ask it to summarize the top news stories related to their field each day. While ChatGPT doesn't browse the internet in real-time, it is trained on a diverse range of sources that can provide substantial background information and context for ongoing trends up until its last training data cut-off.

  • Analyzing Competitor Movements: Understanding what competitors are doing is crucial in many fields. Professionals can use ChatGPT to learn about strategies employed by other companies, new product launches, or marketing campaigns. This kind of analysis is essential for strategic planning and staying one step ahead.

  • Preparing for Presentations or Meetings: When preparing for important meetings or presentations, professionals can use ChatGPT to get the latest facts and figures, prepare talking points, or even help structure their presentations. They can ask for information on specific topics, and ChatGPT can assist in organizing this information in a clear and professional manner.

  • Personalized Learning Paths: ChatGPT can help professionals identify online courses, webinars, and workshops that would be beneficial for them. By discussing their career goals and interests, they can receive personalized recommendations on how to expand their skills and knowledge base.

  • Networking and Professional Development: Professionals can use ChatGPT to find relevant networking events, professional groups, or conferences that could be beneficial for their career growth. ChatGPT can suggest ways to engage with these events, such as key topics to discuss or questions to ask.

  • Regular Updates: Setting a routine to check in with ChatGPT for updates on specific topics can be a good practice. Professionals might designate a time each week to explore new insights, ask about updates in their industry, or refine their understanding of a particular subject.


By integrating these practices into their routine, professionals not only stay informed but also actively engage in continuous learning and development. This proactive approach to using AI tools like ChatGPT can significantly enhance their career growth and ensure they remain relevant in their fields.

According to ChatGPT, my job is safe. For now.

As a career coach, my role goes far beyond just helping with resumes or cover letters. My goal is to bring a wealth of experience, understanding, and personalized guidance that AI simply cannot replicate. In this episode, ChatGPT reminds me of the key areas where my expertise remains crucial in assisting my clients get jobs. In the future, my role as a career coach might evolve, with AI tools becoming more prevalent. But these tools will likely serve as enhancements that augment the human elements of my coaching. They can free you (client) and me (coach) from some of the more mundane tasks, allowing us more time to focus on the core aspects of your career development, ambitions and goals that require human insight and emotional intelligence.

Behind the Scenes: How we Recorded an Interview with ChatGPT

First, I asked the questions in writing using the OpenAI platform, and CHatGPT 4. Then, we used an AI tool called Descript to give ChatGPT a voice and recorded the voice reading the answers from ChatGPT. I recorded myself on StreamYard, a recording platform, and played the Descript recording of ChatGPT so that I could time my questions with the answers from ChatGPT seamlessly. We used an image provided by ChatGPT and an audio wave to represent it as a guest. I couldn't have done this without the support of my podcast editor, Camille Carino.

About Our Guest, ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It leverages deep learning techniques to provide insights, answer questions, and engage in conversation across a wide range of subjects. As a versatile AI, ChatGPT has been utilized in various fields including education, customer service, content creation, and more. In the context of career development, ChatGPT assists professionals by offering guidance on job applications, interview preparation, and career planning, helping them to navigate the complexities of the job market with AI-enhanced strategies. ChatGPT continues to evolve, aiming to empower individuals to achieve their professional and personal goals by integrating advanced technology into everyday tasks. (bio provided by ChatGPT)

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