Renata Bernarde

Mar 24, 2020

Living in a VUCA Environment

Updated: Feb 26

Episode 23 - Adapting to Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity - with Janet Sernack

On Janet’s LinkedIn profile, you will find the following statement, which perfectly summarizes her skills: ” I nurture and embed innovation in organizations, experiencing the shockwaves of disruptive change in our VUCA world. I enable people to step over the threshold that opens up a new world of conscious, creative & commercial possibilities.”

In addition to her expertise, Janet’s personality, calmness, and tone of voice add to her wisdom and make listening to this podcast a must. Please do so. You will notice we don’t mention covid-19 – that’s because it was recorded a while back – but every sentence, every learning applies to the situation we find ourselves in today. You will want to take note. I tried, but basically, the entire interview is a treat.

Janet is a consultant and coach who helps other coaches like me, leaders and organizations adapt and grow through disruption. Her expertise is in helping society understand what it means to be innovative and adaptive to change. You see, you may aim for innovation all you want, but you won’t get it if you don’t start acting differently, structuring your business differently, and being agile to adopt and adapt to change fast as opportunities and threats come along.

It’s been hard to keep up and adapt to the constant changes in our lives since the outbreak of the covid-19 went global. Our world has changed, our days have changed, the way we shop, eat, interact with our loved ones has changed. Some of us have lost our jobs, and business owners have had to shut shop. On the other hand, hospital staff, doctors, nurses, supermarkets, call centers, online retailers, digital service providers have had an exponential demand for their services and products. These changes have disrupted the structures in our lives, economies, societies, and international borders. This interview with Janet Sernack is, therefore, perfect for this point in time.

About the Host

Hello, I’m Renata Bernarde, the Host of The Job Hunting Podcast. I’m also an executive coach, job hunting expert, and career strategist. I teach professionals (corporate, non-profit, and public) the steps and frameworks to help them find great jobs, change, and advance their careers with confidence and less stress.

If you are an ambitious professional who is keen to develop a robust career plan, if you are looking to find your next job or promotion, or if you want to keep a finger on the pulse of the job market so that when you are ready, and an opportunity arises, you can hit the ground running, then this podcast is for you.

In addition to The Job Hunting Podcast, on my website, I have developed a range of courses and services for professionals in career or job transition. And, of course, I also coach private clients.

Contact Renata Bernarde

I’m determined to help you! I want you to feel empowered, nail your next job, and have the career you want.

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